Linden Sweatshirt by Grainline Studio

Sewing Level:Advanced Beginner 

Fabric: Fleece and 1 x 1 Rib supplied by Honey Run Quilters

I made size and View (if applicable): 14, View A/B Combo

My mods: I cut the neckband based upon the stretch of my knit. I was warned the pattern could be too short and it would have been even with this very stretchy knit- so check your stretch! And my video shows how. 

Description: Long sleeve pullover sweatshirt with neckband, cuffs and hemmed body.

Click the images below for videos: 


  Notes:This is a great beginning knit project! And most knit projects don't get much harder than this. I made View A with the body hem of View B. I think next time I'd add a kangaroo pocket and bring in the neck 1" all the way around so it sits closer to my neck.