Sintra Halter Top by Liesl + Co/Oliver and S

Sewing Level:Intermediate (because of the neckband)

Fabric: Hart’s Fine Cotton

I made size and View (if applicable): 14 View B with front neck slit

My mods: Added shelf bra

Description:Halter top

Click the images below for videos: 


Notes: Nice little halter top that is fun to sew! And pretty quick too if you don’t add the internal bra (still a fast make with it though). It fit great- no fitting mods were done.

I showed how to draft a shelf bra in the How to Draft a Camisole from a T-Shirt stream. (Just search camisole here on the website and it’s linked in the video descriptions).

Next time:

  1. Trim off that side shape on the front side seam that is there to give bust shape
  2. I enjoyed the internal bra so much I’d experiment with making the front two separate pieces for more definition
  3. Because i added the bra, I’d consider putting the front and back on the fold and sewing the slit differently.
  4. Experiment with other neckband sewing methods. My method works but it still lands the top squarely in Intermediate sewing. I think you can sew it simpler with two other possible ways (one would be a little ready-to-wear like but nobody would be able to tell!)
  5. Try the dress length!